Coda File System

RE: Solaris port, questions ...

From: David Graff <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 13:08:20 -0500
COOL BEANS MAN!!! congrats on the work!

David J. Graff
BroadVision/Atlanta - ISG Consultant
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil Nelson []
> Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 1:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: Solaris port, questions ...
> Hi Everyone,
>   I recently squashed some big bugs in the Solaris port.
> I can now execute files in /coda (mmap now works.)
> I haven't (yet) had a kernel panic with the current
> solaris-coda module.  But I do know there are things
> that don't work.  For one, the simple perl program:
> open(FH, ">xxx");
> print FH "abcdef\n";
> close(FH)
> works just fine on a local file system, but on coda,
> it creates the file xxx, but doesn't write any thing
> to it.
> Has anyone ever run into a problem like this under
> coda?
> Also, the file size total at the top of an "ls -l" is
> completely wrong.  I haven't yet found which call is
> not correct.
> In any case, the solaris code is now working for me
> on both a sparc 5 and an ultra 10 both running
> solaris 2.6.  I hope to get Solaris 7 up and running
> on a machine in the near future.
> These changes for solaris (for lwp, coda, and solaris-coda) are
> big enough that as soon as I test out a few more things, I
> think we should make a new release of each.
> By the way, I'm currently having iomgr.c problems on both my
> Solaris systems.  venus stops with
> ../../src/iomgr.c:293: failed assertion `0'
> Shouldn't there be something better to do there than panic?
> Like go back to the select and wait again?  Or is it
> really the right thing to do there?
> --
> Phil Nelson                    NetBSD:
> e-mail: [email protected]        Coda:

Received on 2000-01-20 13:17:38