(Illustration by Gaich Muramatsu)
There appears to be some problem with the private mapping. I'm not quite sure what is happening, but I thought I would ask if anyone here might have a clue. The server was running with -mapprivate and was shutdown by volutil. I then wanted to use norton to look at it. So I tried the following. Note, first -mapprivate use of norton couldn't see any volumes. Then I ran norton with anonymous mapping and all volues were listed. I then reran with -mapprivate and it could then see the volumes. bash-2.03# norton -mapprivate /dev/rwd1e /dev/wd1f 521256960 About to call RVM_INIT About to call rds_load_heap norton> list volumes Index ID Parent Type ------ ---------- ---------- ---- norton> quit rvm_terminate returns RVM_SUCCESS bash-2.03# norton /dev/rwd1e /dev/wd1f 521256960 About to call RVM_INIT About to call rds_load_heap norton> list volumes Index ID Parent Type ------ ---------- ---------- ---- 0 0x 2000001 0x 2000001 rw 1 0x 2000003 0x 2000003 rw 2 0x 2000004 0x 2000004 rw 3 0x 2000005 0x 2000005 rw norton> quit rvm_terminate returns RVM_SUCCESS bash-2.03# norton -mapprivate /dev/rwd1e /dev/wd1f 521256960 About to call RVM_INIT About to call rds_load_heap norton> list volumes Index ID Parent Type ------ ---------- ---------- ---- 0 0x 2000001 0x 2000001 rw 1 0x 2000003 0x 2000003 rw 2 0x 2000004 0x 2000004 rw 3 0x 2000005 0x 2000005 rw norton> quit Comments welcome! -- Phil Nelson NetBSD: http://www.netbsd.org e-mail: [email protected] Coda: http://www.coda.cs.cmu.edu http://www.cs.wwu.edu/~philReceived on 2000-02-16 15:54:05