Coda File System

using rdsinit to reinitialize the RVM

From: Florian Wallner <>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 18:49:44 +0100
after playing around with coda, we decided that the templates 
provided by vice-setup-rvm are not sufficient for our needs, 
130M is not enough for our servers and 315M uses too much of
the virtual memory. We agreed on 200M. The question I have now:
is it enough to reinitialize the RVM-partition with rdsinit
after using vice-setup-rvm and to update /vice/srv.conf 
accordingly or is there more to it? 

	Florian Wallner

Florian Wallner					Speed-link GmbH
[email protected]
Received on 1999-03-19 13:06:10