Coda File System

RE: install as root.root doesn't work on BSD systems

From: Green, Andrew <>
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1999 09:39:12 -0600
I would've thought by now that the BSDs would have solved the
insecure ownerships/permissions defaults by now.

OpenBSD appears to not have this insecure default.  

find / -user bin -print 

yielded eleven font files, nothing more.  I realize this is not the
place for this debate, but I don't think 'bin.bin' just for the sake of
compliant with the NetBSD standard is the right answer.


> >Wouldn't you agree that despite whatever the usernames/groupnames 
> >might be, 0.0 would be the optimum choice?  bin-owned anything
> >bugs me to death and is asking to be 0wned.
> No.  On NetBSD, to follow the OS standard they should be bin.bin.
> That is numerically 3.7.   
> -- 
> Phil Nelson                    NetBSD:
> e-mail: [email protected]        Coda:
Received on 1999-08-04 11:51:57