Coda File System

RE: Solaris 2.6 vs. Coda 5.3.{1,3}

From: David Graff <>
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 13:02:02 -0500
It's an Ultra5 (one of the Ultra SparcII's i think).

I'll try and locate the logs.  If there is anything I can do to help out
with porting to this architecture let me know...Coda has some interesting
features that I want to explore and possibly utilize.


David J. Graff
BroadVision/Atlanta - ISG Consultant
mailto: <>
Phone: (770) 392-3337 x5551

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil Nelson []
> Sent: Monday, December 13, 1999 11:45 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Solaris 2.6 vs. Coda 5.3.{1,3}
> Davic Graff wrote:
> >I've tried setting up Coda 5.3.1 and 5.3.3 under Solaris 2.6
> using gcc/g++ 2.95.
> >2 (i think).  The unfortunate part of is that venus seems to
> come up, locates th
> >e root volume, then hangs mounting /coda.
> >
> >I have installed the kernel module for solaris (0.01) and am
> trying to run again
> >st an SCM (5.3.3) on a Debian Linux box.  The process though
> just seems to hang.
> >
> >The worst result I have seen so far of this is a full system
> crash due to a kern
> >el panic over an LWP.  Has anyone tried this?
> Yes, it has been tried:
> ---->~
> rankin[10]$ uname -a
> SunOS rankin 5.6 Generic_105181-16 sun4m sparc SUNW,SPARCstation-5
> ---->~
> rankin[11]$ ls /coda
> company  public  usr
> ---->~
> rankin[12]$ cfs la /coda
> System:Administrators  rlidwka
>       System:AnyUser  rl
> So, here are some questions:
>   What is your hardware?  (The above was on a sparc 5, not any of the
>     64 bit machines.  I have not had access to a 64 bit machine to
>     work on it yet.  I hope to have access soon.)
>   Can you send me a copy of your /var/adm/messages this the excerpt
>     that includes building and installing the solaris kernel module
>     and then when you start venus.
>   Also, it would be nice to see the /usr/coda/etc/console output from
>     venus.
> Thanks for trying the solaris version!
> --
> Phil Nelson                    NetBSD:
> e-mail: [email protected]        Coda:

Received on 1999-12-13 13:06:07
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