Coda File System

coda and mandrake 2

From: florin <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 17:08:42 +0200
some more info:

[root_at_client mandrake]# au cp           
Your Vice name: admin
Your password: (here is mandrake)
RPC2_Bind() --> RPC2_SUCCESS
User name: mandrake
New password: mandrake
AuthChangePasswd() --> AUTH_FAILED
[root_at_client mandrake]# cat /etc/passwd|grep mandrake

on the scm:
pdbtool>list gives, among others,

USER mandrake
  *  id: 779
  *  belongs to no groups
  *  cps: [ 779 ]
  *  owns no groups

[email protected]
Received on 2000-07-12 11:10:40