Coda File System

More diskless foo...

From: Christopher J Mason <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 23:55:05 -0400
Using venus -init has same effect as in my last message.

Using -rvmt 3 gets me farther:

(none):/usr/coda# venus -rvmt 3&
[1] 361
(none):/usr/coda# Coda Venus, version 5.3.8

Date: Tue 09/19/2000

23:42:57 starting VDB scan
23:42:57        1 volume replicas
23:42:57        0 replicated volumes
23:42:57        0 CML entries allocated
23:42:57        0 CML entries on free-list
23:42:57 starting FSDB scan (213, 5120) (25, 75, 4)
23:42:57        0 cache files in table (0 blocks)
23:42:57        213 cache files on free-list
23:42:57 starting HDB scan
23:42:57        0 hdb entries in table
23:42:57        0 hdb entries on free-list
23:42:57 MarinerInit: socket bind failed
23:42:58 Initial LRDB allocation
23:42:58 Fatal Signal (11); pid 361 becoming a zombie...
23:42:58 You may use gdb to attach to 361

I don't have gdb on this machine right now (I deleted it to make room for 
coda!).  I'll put it back on and try to get a backtrace.

Note that this machine is not connected to a network.  I see a socket bind 
failing, so maybe it has something to do with that.  I'll try it again when 
I get this thing attached to a network.

Thanks for listening, in any event,


[Christopher Mason        <[email protected]> ]
["Don't you see?! We're actors--we're the opposite of people!" -Stoppard]
Received on 2000-09-19 23:56:11