Coda File System

Replication problem revisited

From: Jeremy Malcolm <>
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 09:03:16 +0800
I've upgraded both servers to the latest version and I tried again. 
This time, everything is exactly the same but when I do cfs mkmount
volumename mountpoint for the four replicated volumes I now immediately
see this in SrvLog on the main server:

08:46:57 Caution, replicated volume 0x1000001, resolution is turned off.
08:47:17 Caution, replicated volume 0x1000001, resolution is turned off.
08:47:23 Caution, replicated volume 0x1000001, resolution is turned off.
08:47:35 Caution, replicated volume 0x1000001, resolution is turned off.

and when I then do ls in /coda I see this:

08:47:53 vrent::GetVolumeInfo: no hostaddr for volume (2000001)
08:47:53 vrent::GetVolumeInfo: no hostaddr for volume (2000002)
08:47:53 vrent::GetVolumeInfo: no hostaddr for volume (2000003)
08:47:53 vrent::GetVolumeInfo: no hostaddr for volume (2000004)

I see the volumes on my other server.  I don't think I did anything
different from before.  Does this help?

JEREMY MALCOLM <[email protected]>
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Received on 2001-11-14 20:03:31