Coda File System

Re: Coda server on Debian

From: Peter Schuller <>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 22:57:09 +0100
> > It doesn't seem to honor the changes I made manually though (equinox
> > rather than
> That might not be a problem as long as equinox resolves to the same
> address as

It won't. I had the same problem on NetBSD first (the hostname, not the
root volume name problem), and I fixed it by changing my hostname
to my FQDN (thus making the scripts use the FQDN).

If this is a problem, could it have the effect I am seeing?

> > This all seems to work. Both from the server in question, and from one
> > of the clients that can't connect with the Coda client (the NetBSD box).
> I guess it has the correct IP address for equinox where it says
> Replica0 id <foo>, Server0 <ipaddress>


> As all of these check out correctly, your server setup should just work.
> The only thing I can think of now is that it is a client problem.o

Perhaps. But so far I've seen the same on two Debian clients and one
NetBSD client. And only to that server.

For example, on the NetBSD box I was connected to the CMU testserver. I
set up the server on the same machine and did "venus-setup hostname
cache-size" and I was then connected to that server. Then I did
"venus-setup cachesize", and got the root volume

> Do all servers listed as rootserver in /etc/coda/venus.conf give the
> same correct results to getvolinfo queries? It could be that the client
> is still trying to talk to your old server. Perhaps an RVM
> reinitialization will bring it into submission,

I'll try re-installing both clients and servers and see if I can resolve


/ Peter Schuller, InfiDyne Technologies HB

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