Coda File System

Re: Coda-6.0.2 (and rpc2-1.19)

From: Samuel Tardieu <>
Date: Sat, 02 Aug 2003 20:31:05 +0200
>>>>> "Jan" == Jan Harkes <> writes:

Sam> Are the FreeBSD patches used with 6.0.0 still up-to-date, or do we
Sam> have to wait for them to be updated?

Jan> Yes, this is probably the first 6.0.x release that actually works
Jan> reliably on FreeBSD, the '..' traversals across mountpoints.

Sorry to be dense, but "Yes" to what part of my question? "Yes,
FreeBSD patches used with 6.0.0 are still up-to-date" or "Yes, we do
have to wait for them to be updated"? :)

Samuel Tardieu -- [email protected] --
Received on 2003-08-02 14:34:08